Master Cheesemakers
We Make Great Cheese

We love our cheese and take great pride when others recognize our life’s work. Here is a list of awards Meister Cheese has won over the past decade:
World Championship Cheese Contest
Medium Cheddar (3 to 6 months), Best of Class
Havarti, Best of Class
Smoked Cheddar, Best of Class
Monterey Jack, Best of Class and 3rd place
US Championship Cheese Contest
Mild Cheddar (0 to 3 months), 3rd Place
Reduced Fat Cheddar, 2nd Place
Monterey Jack, 2nd Place
World Championship Cheese Contest
Smoked Cheddar, Best of Class and 2nd Place
Wisconsin State Fair Cheese & Butter Contest
Kindred Creamery Smoked Cheddar, 2nd and 3rd Place

US Championship Cheese Contest
Medium Cheddar, Best of Class
Monterey Jack, Best of Class
Smoked Colored Cheddar, 2nd Place
Wisconsin State Fair Cheese & Butter Contest
Aged Cheddar, 2nd Place
Colby Longhorn, 2nd Place
Colby Jack Longhorn, 3rd Place
World Championship Cheese Contest
Monterey Jack, 3rd Place
US Championship Cheese Contest
Colby Longhorn, 2nd Place
Monterey Jack, Best of Class

ACS Cheese Competition
Colby (made from cow’s milk), 3rd Place
World Championship Cheese Contest
Colby Longhorn, 2nd Place
Habanero Longhorn, 3rd Place
ACS Cheese Competition
Morel (Monterey Jack with flavor added – all milks), 3rd Place

Wisconsin State Fair Cheese & Butter Contest
Colby Jack Longhorn, 1st Place
Colby Longhorn, 2nd Place
US Championship Cheese Contest
Colby Longhorn, 2nd Place
Wisconsin State Fair Cheese & Butter Contest
Colby Jack Longhorn, 1st Place
White Stirred Curd Cheddar, 3rd Place
World Cheese Awards
Eagle Cave Aged Cheddar, Silver
World Championship Cheese Contest
Colby Jack Longhorn, Best of Class
Monterey Jack, 2nd Place
Colby Longhorn, 3rd Place
Bandaged White Cheddar, 3rd Place
ACS Cheese Competition
Morel and Leek Jack, 2nd Place
Eagle Cave Reserve, 3rd Place
Wisconsin State Fair Cheese & Butter Contest
Colby Jack Longhorn, 2nd and 3rd Place
Chipotle Monterey Jack, 3rd Place